Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

Ultimate Leveling

  • Fiddler2
  • Firefox
  •  fbhaxor.rar - [LINK]
  1. Open Fiddler and go to Autoresponder
  2. Tick both Enable auto... and Permit Passthrough..
  3. You will be replacing the data_library_en and the mission141 file so click ADD and insert this rule editor
  4. Replace it with the downloaded file from the links above. 
  5. Click ADD again and this time, change the StringToMatch to
  6. Click ADD again and this time, change the StringToMatch to
  7. Click ADD again and this time, change the StringToMatch to
  8. Replace all 4 files with the files that you have downloaded from me. Basically, just use fiddler and replace these 4 files. Very simple!
  9. Important:To prevent error, just ALTERNATE the missions. Do NOT repeat the same mission two times in a row. Just do 11k mission > 12k mission > 11k mission > 12k mission and repeat with a bot/mouse recorder.

Leveling Cheat


  • Fiddler2 
  • Firefox
  • data_library_en.rar - [LINK1]
  1. Open Fiddler and go to Autoresponder
  2. Tick both Enable auto... and Permit Passthrough..
  3. You will be replacing the data_library_en file so click ADD and insert this rule editor
  4. Replace it with the downloaded file from the links above. 
  5. Once replaced, just go into Ninja Saga and you will have amaterasu and your 4k exp missions. 

Ultimate Cheats v2

This cheat includes Amaterasu, Custom "PWNED" missions, a special "Errorlog" mission for 15k exp and MORE. Just download the required file above and try it out! Have fun.
  • Errorlog2 Multi HAck . rar - [Link1]
  • Fiddler2
  • Chrome/Firefox

  1. Open Fiddler and go to Autoresponder
  2. Tick both Enable auto... and Permit Passthrough..
  3. You will be replacing the data_library_en file so click ADD and insert this rule editor
  4. Replace it with the downloaded file from the links above. 
  5. Once replaced, just go into Ninja Saga and you will have amaterasu, custom missions, all missions unlocked.
  6. Tested, working, and savable as at 30/6/2010 

Latest 1 HIT cheat

  1. Open Fiddler
  2. Go to Ninja Saga
  3. Select your character then Buy Kunai
  4. In Fiddler find this line 'http://cdn.static.ninjasaga.com/swf/X.X.X/swf/language/data_library_en.swf'
  5. Click 'Autoresponder'
  6. Tick 'Enable Automatic....' and 'Permit Passthrough...' > Hit 'Add'
    (Click on the drop down arrow button beside the 'Save'. Select 'Go To File' and browse to the place where you downloaded the file to.)
  7. Clear cache for your browser.(IMPORTANT!)
  8. Now Reload the game.

Skills Codes


  1. Open ninja saga and recruit 2 friends (you should know their equipped skills already so you can change it to skill91 which is the Amaterasu. The skills should be 2 digits only or it's difficult to change it with CE)
  2. Go to Jounin exam part 4 or 5
  3. OPEN Cheat Engine 5.6
  4. For scan value, select Text, tick Case sensitive & Unicode, ASROM and scan the skill number that you want to change to skill91.
    example: If your friend has the skill "Water Bundle", you will scan for "skill89"If you are unsure, just check the list at the end of this post for the skill and the skill number represented
  5. Remember to click SCAN only during your friend's characters turn, if you SCAN their skill before and after their turn, all their skills will be gone
  6. Double click all the address found (There should only be 3-4 addresses)
  7. Double click the value and change it all to skill91
  8. Go back to NS and select the skill that you have just changed (example: water bundle) and you will see that Amaterasu is used. 
  9. Important: Now immediately change back all the skill91 back to the previous value. In this example, it's "skill89"
  10. You need to change back to the actual value or all the skills will DISAPPEAR and you cannot use it again.
  11. When it's your friend's turn again, just change the value back to skill91 and use it again.
Question: How to see what skills your friend have?
Answer: Either wait till your friend's turn and you can see what skills he have, then search the list below and scan it.. or use charles and visit him to see his equipped skills.

List of the skills (All 2 digits skills listed)

skill10 = fire ball
skill11 = fiery flame
skill12 = earth smash
skill13 = twister
skill14 = lightning strike
skill15 = lightning scater
skill16 = wind canon
skill17 = whirlwind spin
skill18 = fiery bird misile
skill19 = fire vortek
skill20 = fire spike wheel
skill21 = fiery bird strike
skill22 = water ball
skill23 = water dragon vortek
skill24 = refresh
skill25 = water shark missile
skill40 = Water Jet Cannon (lvl 7)
skill42 = Rapid Kick (lvl 2 )
skill43 = Dragon Fist (lvl 3)
skill44 = Earth Spike (lvl 6)
skill45 = Wind Gust (lvl 7)
skill46 = Wind Rush (lvl 8)
skill47 = Explosive Giant Kunai (lvl 8)
skill48 = Eart Erosion (lvl 7)
skill49 = Dual Lightning Strike (lvl 8)
skill50 = Earth Blast (lvl 8)
skill51 = Water Impale ( lvl 8)
skill52 = Rapid Kick (lvl 2)
skill53 = Pillar of Flame (lvl 9)
skill54 = Lightning Arrow Strike ( lvl 9)
skill55 = Earth Boulder (lvl 9)
skill56 = Twin Shark Missle (lvl 9)
skill57 = Feather Illusion (lvl 9)
skill58 = Refresh Rank 2 (lvl 5)
skill59 = Golem Protection (lvl 10)
skill60 = Water Renewal (lvl 10)
skill61 = Swift Kick (lvl 11)
skill62 = Cannonball Strike (lvl 9)
skill63 = Earthen Fist (lvl 13)
skill64 = Water Shark Burst (lvl 13)
skill65 = Double Fire Arrow (lvl 13)
skill66 = lighting shock
skill67 = dager of wind
skill68 = head kick
skill70 = double fireball
skill71 = empowered laghting edge
skill72 = double earth smash
skill73 = double water brust
skill74 = wind strom
skill75 = fire whirl
skill76 = lighting rays
skill77 = earth rock bulder
skill78 = water spears
skill79 = multi fireball
skill80 = multi fire ball
skill81 = water sphere
skill82 = watercuter
skill83 = lighting spears
skill84 = refresh rank 3
skill85 = blade of wind
skill86 = helifire
skill87 = llghting flash
skill88 = earth absorpotion
skill89 = water bundle
skill90 = rapid upercut
skill92 = wind piercing strike
skill93 = raising fire first
skill94 = sccater strom
skill95 = earth first combo
skill96 = dual water edge
skill97 = wind edge chop
skill98 = percing fire dancer
skill99 = erten strike first

-spirit touch skill109
- assault kick skill108
- three combat rapid skill107
- water pressure canon skil106
- earth arm skill105
- lighting ball burst skill104
- explosive kunai formation skill103
- dual water cutter skill102
- dual water sphere skill101
- dual lighting spears skill100
- earthen strike first skill99
- piercing fire dance skill98
- wind edge chop skill97
- dual water edge skill96
- earth first combo skill95
- scatter storm skill94
- raising fire first skill93
- wind piercing strike skill92
- secret:amaterasu skill91
- rapid uppercut skill90
- water bundle (200 token) skill89
- lighting flash (200 token) skill87
- earth absorption (200 token) skill88
- hell fire (200 token) skill86
- blade of wind (200 token) skill85
- refresh(rank 3) skill84
- lighting spear skill83
- wind cutter skill82
- water sphere skill81
- earth spines skill80
- Water Renewal (200 token) skill60
- golem protection (200 token) skill59
- feather illusion (200 token) skill57
- evasion (200 token) skill39
- unkown (cant be used) skill37
- fire power (200 token) skill36
- lighting charge (200 token) skill35
- sexy girl transformation (100 token) skill4
- monkey transformation skill2

Super Cheat

This cheat allows you to unlock all Hunting Houses bosses even at lvl 1, unlock all emblem missions and fight bosses repeatedly in Battle>Practice to level up fast. Use of 1 hit KO is advisable.

Current Links :

  1. Download NS Ultimate Cheat files Above
  2. Open Fiddler.
  3. Go to autoresponder and ensure both 'Enable Automatic.. ' and 'Permit pass...' are ticked
  4. Click ADD.
  5. A 'String To Match' will appear, change it to regex:(?insx)^.*data_library_en\.swf$
  6. Click on the ▼ button beside the Save. And select 'File a file' 
  7. Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select '(All-Quest-Lv1)-data_library_en.swf'
  8. Click ADD.
  9. A 'String To Match' will appear, change it to regex:(?insx)^.*code_library\.swf$
  10. Click on the ▼ button beside the Save. And select 'File a file' 
  11. Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select '(Random-With-Boss)-code_library.swf' Click Save.
  12. Click ADD.
  13. A 'String To Match' will appear, change it to regex:(?insx)^.*hunting_house\.swf$
  14. Click on the ▼ button beside the Save. And select 'File a file' 
  15. Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select '(Enabled)-hunting_house.swf' Click Save.
  16. Very Important or it will not work. Clear Browser Cache.
  17. Reload NS and now you should see that all emblem missions, lvl 1 can fight bosses, practice mode is all bosses. Low levels may NOT be able to see the bosses in Hunting Houses, so just to to Battle>Practice to level up
    Have fun leveling.

New One Hit kill cheat


  • CE - CE -Cheat Engine 5.6
  • Firefox 3.5 
  • FP10 - Flash Player 10
  1. Go to Ninja Saga
  2. Open a fight with friends, hunting horse or mission. don't click attack/skill
  3. Open Cheat Engine 5.X, 
  4. Process firefox.exe(Browser.exe)
  5. Setting tick 'array of bytes' and 'select Also scan read-only memory(ASROM)'
  6. Scan '89065E5BC208003B7B54
  7. Right click on adress then select Dissasemble
  8. Right click the selected code then select 'Toggle breakpoint'
  9. Go back in Ninja Saga and then hit(USE SKILL) your enemy,  (The browser will freeze)
  10. Go again to CE. And click debug > run 2TIMES
  11. At the right side is the Register panel. Double click the EAX and change the value to "0"
  12. Now right click the Selected Line code and select "Toggle Break Point" > "Debug" > "Run" (to unfreeze the game)
  13. Now your enemy is dead (-;
  14. Repeat these Steps when you in Battle, Have Fun!

Instant Skills Glitch

This cheat works great. You can use the skills for MISSIONS, DUELS and to LEVEL UP with the latest skills that you have not learned. But remember, the skills will disappear from your Jutsu if you refresh the game. So do not refresh the game or you will have to relearn the skills to use them. 
  • Firefox 3.6
  • Charles
  • FP10 - Flash Player 10
  1. Open Charles
  2. Go into Ninja Saga
  3. In Charles, look for this url 'http://app.ninjasaga.com'
  4. Expand it and you will see 'AMF/'
  5. Right click 'AMF/' and select Breakpoints
  6. Now leave the Academy and enter Academy again. The game will freeze
  7. A breakpoint tab will appear in Charles.
  8. Click CANCEL.
  9. An 'Edit Response' tab will appear. Click it.
  10. Click 'AMF/' tab at the bottom
  11. You will see something like this screenshot below
  12. Change the result Number to '0'
  13. Click Execute
  14. You will immediately get the skill.
  15. You can continue learning more skills. Just repeat from Step 8 each time the game freeze.
  16. Important: Remember to go back to the Structure Tab, right click 'amf/' and select Breakpoints to continue playing Ninja Saga.
  17. Once breakpoint removed, go play your missions, duels with friends. Just note that skills will disappear if you refresh the game. But whatever experience/gold you earned is saved.

Level 10 Weapon Cheat

Note: You need to be level 10 and Above to be able to use the weapon or Error will appear.


  • Charles 3.4.1
  • Firefox 3.6
  • FP10 - Flash Player 10
  1. Open Charles (it should be recording activities in your firefox)
  2. Go into Ninja Saga
  3. Enter SHOP
  4. In Charles, search for this line 'http://app.ninjasaga.com/'
  5. Expand it and you will see 'amf/'
  6. Right click 'amf' and select 'Breakpoints'
  7. In Ninja Saga, buy a Kunai (level 1 weapon)
  8. The Game will freeze and a Breakpoint tab will appear in Charles
  9. Click the Breakpoint tab > Click Edit Request > AMF
  10. You will see the value 'wpn1' 
  11. Change it to 'wpn111'
  12. Click Execute TWICE
  13. Go back to the Session tab, right click 'AMF' and select Breakpoints to remove the breakpoint.
  14. Refresh your Ninja Saga. Now you will see the Kotetsu weapon: Dmg 83. 
  15. Only level 10 and above can use it without error and of coz if you have a weapon better than the Kotetsu, this cheat is not for you.

One hit kill cheat

  • CE - CE -Cheat Engine 5.6
  • Firefox 3.5 
  • FP10 - Flash Player 10
  1. Go into Ninja Saga and start mission
  2. Open Cheat Engine, Process firefox.exe
  3. Setting Tick (Hex, Array of bytes, ASROM)
  4. Scan "89065E5BC208003B7B54"
  5. 1 address should returned
  6. Right click the address then Select "Disassemble this memory region"
  7. Right click the Selected Code and then select "Toggle Break Point" or Press [F5]
  8. Go back in Ninja Saga and then hit your enemy, (The browser will now freeze)
  9. Go back in CE then Click "Debug" > "Run" 1 time only
  10. At the right side is the Register panel. Double click the EAX and change the value to "0
  11. Now right click the Selected Line code and select "Toggle Break Point" > "Debug" > "Run" (to unfreeze the game)
  12. Now your enemy is dead (-;
  13. Repeat these Steps when you in Battle, Have Fun!

Damage Hack For Kuna

  • Charles 3.4.1 [Link] (do not update)
  • Firefox 3.5
  • FP10 - Flash Player 10 [Link1] | [Link2]
  1. Open Charles then Enter Ninja Saga (click to play)
  2. Enter your character and check that he is equipped with a Kunai (lvl 1 weapon) If not, purchase from shop.
  3. Refresh Ninja Saga. Now, do not select your character
  4. Look in charles and find this url 'http://app.ninjasaga.com
  5. Expand until you find the line '(SystemData.get)
  6. Right click this line and select Breakpoints
  7. Now, select your character and click play in Ninja Saga
  8. The loading should freeze and a Breakpoint tab appears in Charles
  9. Click Execute 3 timesClick "Edit Response" and select the "AMF" tab
  10. Expand the 'weapons' > Expand 'wpn1' 
  11. You should see the line 'damage' with a value of 7Change this 7 to 888  or any value you want. This will be your Kunai Damage.
  12. Click back on the Structure tab and right Click the 'SystemData.get' and Click on Breakpoints 
  13. Click back on the Breakpoint tab and click Execute
  14. The game will now load. Fight any mission with your Kunai and watch your high damage. Have fun.

HP and CP cheat

  • Firefox 3.5
  • CE - cheate engine 5.5
Video Tutorial: Link1 | Link2

  1. Enter in Ninja Saga (do not Select Character)
  2. Open CE, Process firefox.exe, Tick (Hex, 8bytes, ASROM)
  3. Scan "3B0008C25B5E0689", 2 address returned
  4. Rclick the 2nd address and Select "Disassemble this memory region"
  5. Rclick the Selected Code and select "Toggle Break Point" or [F5]
  6. Go back to Ninja Saga, select character and click play, (The browser will now freeze)
  7. Go back to CE, Click "Debug" > "Run" [5times for HP] [7times for CP]
  8. At the right side is the Register panel. Double click the EAX and change the value to "3E8" (more code below) 
  9. Now right click the Selected Line code and select "Toggle Break Point" again 
  10. Now Click "Debug" > "Run" (to unfreeze the game)
  11. Now you will enter Ninja Saga and your new HP and CP will be reflected.
  12. Now Click "Jutsu" > "Clear" to save the game (wait till the message disappear)
  • 3E8 = 1,000 
  • 2710 = 10,000
  • C350 = 50,000

Skill Cheat - January

Credits: pinokyokyo@pwn

  1. Open Charles
  2. Enter in Ninja Saga
  3. Sell Some Item or Buy
  4. Go back in Charles, Expand the "http://app.ninjasaga.com" > "amf/"
  5. Now right Click the "(CharacterDAO.saveCharacter)" Select "Edit"
  6. Click the "AMF" at the right bottom of charles
  7. Find and Expand "character_skills"
  8. You will see a String with a value "skill1" or ""SkillXX" [xx= anyvalue]
  9. Change the number "skill1" to "skill96", then click "Execcute"
    lvl20 skills = skill85 for water, for fire skill86, skill87 for light, skill88 for earth and water for skill89lvl21 skills == skill92 for water, for fire skill93, skill94 for light, skill95 for earth and water for skill96
  10. Done, Refresh the game to see the result
Warning Note: Ninja Saga is stringent and will ban cheaters so cheat with care. I am not sure if you will get caught for having ALL the element's level 21 skills but i have tried it and is currently using fire,lightning,earth and water level 21 skills without an emblem. Have not got banned yet, not sure about the future. But my motto is, "it's just a game at least i had fun" As usual, i will not be responsible if you got banned. Cheat with caution :)

Amazing Token Cheat

Credits: cowok_malazt

  1. Enter in Ninja Saga
  2. Open Cheat Engine
  3. Go to Academy and Click on a skill that has "Training Time - Instant"
  4. In  C.E, Enable Speedhack and set value to "0"
  5. Click the "BUY" 3 times
  6. Now select the TOKEN skill that you want to learn.
  7. Change the Speedhack back to "1"
  8. A pop up will say that you have learn the Token Skill
  9. Now go to the ARENA and Challenge your friends and fight them to save the game
  10. Refresh the game and you still have the Token Skill 
  11. Repeat to acquire all the Token skills you want.

Working Level cheat

WARNING: You can only level up ONE level above your current level to avoid Disconnection and BAN OF ACCOUNT! I have tested it and my account got banned because I tried to level from level 5 to level 7. It resulted in an immediate ban so only level up by ONE level each time.

  • Firefox 3.5
  • CE - Cheat engine 5.5
  1. Enter in Ninja Saga (do not Select Character)
  2. Open CE, Process firefox.exe, Tick (Hex, 8bytes, ASROM)
  3. Scan "3B0008C25B5E0689", 2 address returned
  4. Rclick the 2nd address and Select "Disassemble this memory region"
  5. New window Pop-up, Rclick the Highlighted Line Code and select Toggle Break Point or [F5]
  6. Go back to Ninja Saga, select character and click play,The browser will now freeze.(one way to avoid the browser freeze is to use another browser to view http://aqbarerror.blogspot.com so that you will still be able to read the steps)
  7. Go back to CE, Click Debug > Run [2times]
  8. At the right side is the Register panel. Double click the EAX and change the value to your next level. The list of level values can be found below. 
  9. Now right click the Highlighted Line code (step 6) and select Toggle Break Point again  (this is to unfreeze the game and browser)
  10. Now Click Debug > Run (to unfreeze the game)
  11. Now you will enter Ninja Saga and your new level will be reflected. Have fun!
Values For Each level:
  • level2-144
  • level3-378
  • level4-544
  • level5-733
  • level6-No Code Level up yourself without this cheat
  • level7-1000
  • level8-1600
  • level9-2600
  • level10-No Code Level up yourself without this cheat
  • level11-3600
  • level12-4600
  • level13-5600
  • level14-6600
  • level15-7600
  • level16-9000
  • level17-No Code Level up yourself without this cheat
  • 18-No Code Level up yourself without this cheat
  • 19-11000
  • 20-13000