Step 1
First of all you need to download these pictures: Smoke1, Smoke2 and DancerAnd then you need to create a new image with 800x600 (width x height). Make the background totally black.
Step 2
Now we are going to paste the dancer. Drag or copy the dancer and then paste him in the new image that we have created in photoshop.Step 3
Now as you can see we got a reflection from the dancer. We are going to delete that. Select 'Rectangular marquee tool' (M) and then draw a litte rectangular mark where you want to delete the reflection. And when you have marked the area you just click on Delete on your keyboard.Step 4
Now we got a simple dancer in a black background. Now we are going to create some effects around the dancer. We are going to start with his hands. I am going to use Smoke1 and Smoke2 for this. Paste or drag the images into the image. We are going to start with Smoke1. When you have pasted or draged it into the image you need to right click on the smoke and then click on 'Free Transform'. Then you need to select a corner and then hold down SHIFT and then start drag so the image so it gets smaller.Step 5
Now we need to rotate the image. Now I need you to select a corner again but now I need you to drag it so it rotates.Step 6
Now we are going to take away all the dark background in the smoke. On the layer you need to select "Screen" to make this happen.Step 7
Now we are done with the first smoke. And we are going to make the same, exactly the same to Smoke2. Now you need to paste or drag in Smoke2 into the image. When you have done that we need to make the smoke smaller so, right click and then click on 'Free Transform'.And then rotate the smoke so it fits in.
And then set the new smoke layer to "Screen".
Step 8
Now we need to smooth out the corner in Smoke2. Select 'Eraser tool' (E) and then select a brush with 0% hardness.And then start to brush out the corner line at the smoke. Like this:
Step 9
Now we are going to change the color of the smokes. First of all we are going to 'Merge down' (CTRL+E) the smokes layers, so we only got one smoke layer, so your layer area looks like this:Step 10
Now we are going to change the color to the smokes. And as we can see one of the smokes are in a different color. So you need to goto 'Image -> Adjustments -> Hue/Saturation' (CTRL+U). When you got that windows open you need to click on "Colorize" in the right corner first and then change the color. Set, Hue: 202, Saturation: 64, Lightness: 0. Like this:Step 11
Now we need to make the smoke layer a bit translucent. Lower the layer's 'Opacity' to 60%, like this:Step 12
Now we are going to create a new layer (CTRL+SHIFT+N) and then select 'Pen Tool' (P) with paths marked out. Click on the blue pointers.Then you need to click out points with the 'Pen Tool' like this:
Then you need to hold down ALT and then drag the pointers so it smoothes out.
Now you need to Right click and then click on "Stroke Path" and use the Brush and use Simulate Pressure. Don't forget to use a brush with 3px before you do this.
Now we are going to erase some lines around the leg. So it looks like a cool curve that goes around the leg. Select 'Eraser Tool'(E) and then brush out the lines you don't want so the line goes around the leg. Like this:
Now we need to make it glow a bit. Right click on the layer with the line and then click on 'Blending Tools'. Click on 'Outer glow' and then use these settings. Use white color: #FFFFFF.
Step 13
Now we are going to create some colors. So you need to create a new layer (CTRL+SHIFT+N) and then select 'Brush Tool' (B) and then select a brush at 30px and 0% hardness. First we are going to use the color blue: #00a2ff - And then we are going to paint the hands, with the some color. Like this:And then we are going the make the sweater yellow, #fffc00 - And then you need to paint over the sweater like this (IN THE SAME LAYER):
Now we are going to color up the belt that he uses. Use a purple color: #ea00ff and then start paint over the belt. You can use a smaller brush for this. Paint like this:
Now we are going to paint the leg. Use the colors;
Blue: #0072ff
Purple: #F600ff
Turquoise: #00e4ff
Paint it like this:
Then you need to set the layer to 'Overlay' to soften the colors in.
Step 14
Now we are going to create a cool wind effect to the dancer. Duplicate the layer with the dancer on. Your layer area should look like this:Now you need to 'Merge down'(CTRL+E) the layer to the background layer. Like this:
Then select the background layer (with the dancer merged into it) and then goto 'Filter -> Stylize -> Wind' And use Wind, from the right. Like this:
Step 15
The final step. We are going to color the layers a bit more. We are going to color the wind behind the shoes to. Create a new layer (CTRL+SHIFT+N) and then select the 'Brush Tool' (B) and then start paint. Use the same colors as in Step 12. These:Blue: #0072ff
Purple: #F600ff
Turquoise: #00e4ff
Paint these colors like this:
And then set the layer to 'Saturation' like this: